
Nubian Storytellers of Utah follows the model and intent of the National Association of Black Storytellers, of which we are affiliates.

What is the Adopt-A-Teller Program?

The Adopt-A-Teller model began in 1992. Since then, over 128,000 students and adults have enjoyed our programs. Through AATP your venue has an opportunity to host an experienced, dynamic, nationally renowned storyteller at reduced rates and without the added expense of providing travel and lodging expenses.

Our tellers have a wealth of stories that celebrate African-centered traditions from around the world. For students, we offer workshops, performances, residencies, and customized programs. Our stories and workshops help improve listening, critical thinking, and oratory skills. They also enhance self-esteem and stimulate the desire to read. For teachers, parents, librarians and community service providers, we offer courses in storytelling and in the use of storytelling techniques as educational tools.